Simple Ways To Improve Your Relationship in 60 Sec or Less

Are you in a relationship rut? Things aren’t easy these days, and putting time and energy into your relationship can get put on the back burner. But it doesn’t have to be a lot of work or grand gestures to get things back on track. It really is the little things that can often make all the difference. Psychologist Holly Parker, author of If We're Together, Why Do I Feel So Alone?, offers some simple ways to improve your relationship … in 60 seconds or less. Here are a few:

  • Send a "thinking of you" text.
  • Give them a compliment.
  • Give them a hug.
  • Leave a sticky note that says, "I love you" on the mirror.
  • Get something they like while you're buying groceries.
  • Are you both working from home? Get up from your chair and give them a kiss while you're working.
  • Offer to get them a glass of wine, water, or coffee from the kitchen.
  • Thank them for something they did for you recently.
  • Get their attention just to say, "Hey, I love you." (Bustle)

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