Local Charities That Need Your Help During The Pandemic

Central California Food Bank


There are three main ways you can support the Central California Food Bank during this time: donate, volunteer, and spread the word. We’ve linked these opportunities below. Thank you for sticking by our side during the biggest crisis we have dealt with in our history as a food bank.

  • Central California Food Bank provides food to over 70,000 households on a monthly basis and we have seen a nearly 50% increase at all distributions at this time.
  • We are conducting an ongoing gap analysis and are recruiting volunteers and new locations in the areas of highest need where there are no other services, such as rural communities.
  • We have shifted most of the food packaging to take place in-house and have changed processes to decrease the amount of contact our drivers have at agency partner sites.
  • While food safety has always been our top priority, we have significantly increased our cleaning protocols during this pandemic.
  • We are working with our partner agencies to convert to “drive-through” distributions when possible in order to limit contact.
  • A majority of our administrative staff are now telecommuting when possible to reduce the number of staff onsite.
  • We need your support so we can acquire rice, pasta, beans, peanut butter, shelf-stable goods, and fresh produce. Please consider a donation by clicking the button below.

Give Help Now


Our Community is dealing with a global health threat that is directly impacting our daily lives. While government agencies are moving quickly to respond, there are many in our community that can not wait – they need help today. A generous group of local business leaders has come forward with seed money to make things happen faster.

  • Every dollar donated up to $500,000 will be matched and given away to our local non-profits for maximum impact.
  • Match eligibility is limited to Fresno County non-profit organizations that provide emergency food, shelter, and services that have been directly impacted by COVID-19.
  • The match will be limited to $100,000 per charity.
  • The match campaign will be from April 2-April 30, 2020.
  • Checks will be distributed in early May.
  • Tax ID: 83-3384395

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